Office Space (a short play)

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Today I made my first real post-college purchase: a textbook. the book is called Decentered Playwrighting: Alternative Techniques for the Stage, with a foreword by David Henry Hwang. Within the first 20 pages I knew that I’ve been too pigeon-holed in my approach to playwriting, I’ve been holding on to rules that I don’t even fully understand yet, but that I definitely don’t respect. There was a reference in Hwang’s foreword that I particularly enjoyed, about letting inspiration take the wheel instead of trying to logic your way through things. That’s when the best writing happens.

So here’s where I end up when I give inspiration the reigns. This is Office Space, a 5-minute, 1 actor (technically) play. Hope you enjoy it.

—another quick note, I was inspired by the writing style in Sarah Kane’s 4.48 Psychosis, which I read last night, which is why the formatting is more liberal. I’m still figuring out my own style. More on that to come.

One response to “Office Space (a short play)”

  1. […] as a playwright. I felt like I followed through on that aim during my last writing session (writing Office Space), but I want to be able to do more than just one person scenes, as a stream of consciousness. I […]